

The rapidly expanding list of thousands of dead Americans from Covid-19 was avoidable. So too was Herman Cain’s death.

But certain events occurred that sealed his fate. It will prove to be our nation’s worst failure of leadership. That failure quickly resulted in more American deaths than the 47,434

And the body count is rising every day. How long before it reaches a half million, surpassing the American death toll in World War II?

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The “Pandemic Playbook” left by the Obama Administration was discarded. The Trump administration didn’t prioritize a mass mobilization of testing, social distancing, masks, ventilators and Personal Protection Equipment. Trump did the opposite. He minimized, denied and dismissed the threat of the Covid-19 virus for too long. His followers got the message. “It’s a hoax!”. “It’s a democrat conspiracy!” And as Rush Limbaugh claimed, it’s just the “common cold”.

Every victim of Covid-19 is a separate heartbreaking tragedy, leaving grieving friends and family.

It’s also heartbreaking to see so many dedicated medical professionals like Dr. Fauci slimed by far Right conspiracy nuts. It’s heartbreaking to hear the president praise a deranged pediatrician for saying, “Hello, you don’t need a mask. There is a cure.” She means hydroxychloroquine.

Trump responded: “I thought she was very impressive, in the sense that, from where she came — I don’t know what country she comes from — but she said that she’s had tremendous success with hundreds of different patients. I thought her voice was an important voice, but I know nothing about her.”

“I thought she was very impressive... but I know nothing about her.” Clearly the judgment of a stable genius.

Dr. Stella Immanuel is the medical “stable genius” who warns of “Alien DNA in medicine”, “a vaccine to prevent people from being religious”, and “people having sex in their dreams with demons and witches” , among other delusions that would qualify as certifiable mental illness.

 So, onward they march. “Good conservatives” follow their leader’s example, refuse to wear masks, and attack Dr. Fauci. 

A certain kind of news story is becoming a pattern these days. People who had previously expressed disdain for masks, rejected medical opinion, or disbelieved and denied the danger of the virus, are dying from Covid. They lose. Darwin wins. 

 But the Leader wanted a rally. Masks optional.

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 Yes, a cult is not a cult to a cult, no matter the consequences.

 A short stroll down Herman Cain’s Twitter trail tells the story.

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To the hospital: On Trump’s July 4th rally/celebration at Mt. Rushmore, tweeting: "Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!" 

To the end: “You're never ready for the kind of news we are grappling with this morning. But we have no choice but to seek and find God's strength and comfort to deal.”

The last tweet was posted by someone on his staff. RIP, Herman. You don’t need a mask anymore.

 How could this have happened?

 I’m sure it was a fluke. Masks are for libs, the silly snowflakes. Real men and women (conservative men and women, obviously) don’t need no stinkin’ masks.

 Like Louie Gohmert, still owning the libs. Louis too, was “FED UP!”

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 America, consider yourself “liberated”. We have won! Nobody in the world whupped the corona virus like Trump whupped it.

 USA! USA! We’re number one!

Ignore all the human sacrifice, the suffering of survivors, the collapsing economy, the rampant police brutality, the racism, the looming depression, the imminent homelessness crisis, etc. These constitute the steep price Americans must pay for Trump’s ego, ignorance, power, and ambition for re-election.

Every sacrifice the American people make will be to the glorification of Donald Trump. 

That’s what’s most important to keep America great, amirite?



I’m afraid further dialogue with our conservative friend is going to be difficult, if not impossible.

I have made appeals to facts, evidence, reason and decency. So far it has been utterly futile. I’m not surprised, as I understand the nature of the authoritarian personality. Their brains are wired differently from most people’s brains. Their fight-or-flight mechanism of the amygdala is more easily activated, and their emotional response to other people and different views is generated there.

Our friend Darrell asserts:

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Reader/Commenter Rain concurs:

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Darrell affirms:

“That is absolutely the case, Rain....Marx would be proud, as these useful idiots are following his play book exactly. They seemingly want to remove a phantom "authoritarian government" so that they can put in place their own "progressive" authoritarian government which one dares not deviate from for fears far greater than just what the current cancel culture does. Again, this is evil.”

Politifact quoted Russell Berman, a professor at Stanford University and a senior fellow at its conservative Hoover Institution who has written critically about Marxism.

From: 手机科学的上网方法免费: Is Black Lives Matter a Marxist movement?

“Black Lives Matter’s “emphatic support for gender identity politics sets it apart from historical Marxism,” and the goals listed on its website “do not appear to be expressly anti-capitalist, which would arguably be a Marxist identifier,” (Professor) Berman added.”

As admitted by Berman, “support for gender identity politics” isn’t Marxism

So is this belief stated at BLM Marxism?

“To love and desire freedom and justice for ourselves is a prerequisite for wanting the same for others.”

I’ll answer. No. In fact, it is 100% American values.

Contrast this statement of beliefs with birther Trump’s long term friend, ally, confidant and advisor Roger Stone, flashing the hand signal for white power.

Former Republican political strategist and Lincoln Project co-founder Rick Wilson says this about the GOP. "This is an authoritarian personality cult."

How can we reach these people? Their hearts are hardened and minds are closed by Right wing authoritarian ideology and its pernicious taint of white supremacy and racism.

I try to take a compassionate viewpoint, and understand this way of thinking is rooted in resentment, misunderstanding, and fear.

Nobody is born a racist. Racism, like an authoritarian mindset, is largely cultivated by nurture, rather than nature.

We have a racist president running a campaign dedicated to agitating more resentment, misunderstanding, and fear. Hate is being fueled as a weapon of division and leverage for power, as the president sends legions of unwelcomed militarized federal law enforcement, and possibly private Blackwater mercenaries, to quell property damage and vandals. 

Remember the Right's howls of "States' rights!"? Forget it. It's OK If You Are Republican. IOKIYAR may as well be the only law of the land.

Never mind all the "collateral" casualties. Countless peaceful protesters have been clubbed and gassed by these heavy-handed proto-police state actions.

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Does he understand he is regurgitating the words of the nation’s two most criminal, racist, and dishonest presidents?

Nonetheless, I gave it one more shot.

This is what I wrote to Darrell:
Here is what I know.

I know this will not be published or addressed.

I know you prefer not to tolerate reasoned dissent.

I know you can't refute facts and evidence, but there is something that takes your authoritarian personalities to a dark new low.

"But BLM and Antifa don't care about blacks as human beings."

Is this really how both of you think? Really? I hope not.

I'm horrified. This is exactly how hatred and racism are amplified.

How is this remark NOT demonizing AND dehumanizing of real human beings in the worst possible way? This is Nazi level hate. How is this remark NOT evil?

I would appeal to basic decency, a sense of shame, humanity, and conscience of someone uttering this.

But authoritarians...have no use for those qualities. They have surrendered their souls to a monstrous cruel ideology.

And it fits right in with the hateful words of Republican and "good Catholic" Rep. Yoho. In his sick and hateful mind, I'm sure AOC "doesn't care for people as human beings" either. And I'm sorry to say I wouldn't be the least bit surprised you share that sickness of soul.

This sure as hell isn't the message of Christ. Hypocrites. Yes. I mean it. Your hearts are darkened with anger and fear, and you believe the very worst of people you don’t like.

Trump has really brought out the inner fascist in conservatives.

God help us from all this white nationalist racism.

Have you seen the picture of the gloating criminal Roger Stone, flashing the white power hand signal with a group of racist Proud Boys?

Are these your kind of people? Are you a "Proud Boy" too? It is abundantly clear you would never accuse those racists of the same hateful qualities you want us to think BLM has.

And there's a word for that extreme bias. It is racism, and it is real.

You never did tell us what you think “real racism” is. Maybe it’s time for a look in the mirror.

Maybe an honest examination of your words will give you a clue. I understand self-examination is not a conservative value. I know conservative beliefs are never questioned.

It doesn’t take a saint to know some beliefs are horribly wrong.

Yet so many angry and hateful Republicans and conservative Christians call themselves “virtuous”, "patriots" or "racial realists".

Which is why there is one more thing that I know.

There’s one thing they will never understand.

Racism isn't racism to racists. 

I sincerely hope I am wrong, and you regret embracing the hateful racist words.

I hope you find a conscience, so I can say you are not racists and fake CINO, Christian-In-Name-Only, hypocrites.

But that is something I may never know.
I really don’t have much more to say to Darrell. It is entirely up to him to examine his conscience and beliefs.

It is sad that we cannot hold much hope for this from the right-wing authoritarian personalities.

What I can do is continue to expose, question, challenge, disprove, and condemn their cruel, angry, hateful and false beliefs.

This is not just my responsibility to humanity, truth, and decency. It is nothing less than my patriotic duty to our country.


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Three Questions:

What would be the reaction from Republicans and white conservatives if Obama had expressed well wishes for a criminal sex trafficker?

What has been their reaction to the impeached leader of their party expressing well wishes for a criminal sex trafficker?

Would you please explain to me again how there’s no systemic racism in this country?

Makes one wonder, a bit, doesn’t it?

Oops. That was four questions.

While the far Right howls about Back Lives Matter being “racist commie thugs who don’t even care about Black lives”, why do they deliberately ignore the real racists?

Who are real racists?

Our resident authority on conservative beliefs STILL hasn’t explained what “real racism” is.  Too bad, since only white conservatives are allowed to unilaterally define terms.

Let me suggest something. It’ not just the Klan, folks. Rudy Giuliani is another racist who projects his racism unto Black Lives Matter.

Would a birther who demanded death for exonerated Black kids and re-tweeted someone saying “white power” be considered racist?


How about the friend of that person who was convicted of lying to investigators and witness tampering? He’s a special friend, too. Special enough to have his 40 month sentence commuted.

Yes, the special friend is Roger Stone. And the racist birther is you-know-who. What are the chances Stone might be a real racist too?

Most of you should know by now the hand sign that used to mean “OK”  has been adopted by white nationalists and other “real racists” to signify White Power.

Stone proudly flashed the racist white power sign with a group of fellow racists who call themselves “Proud Boys”.

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Yes, we know every racist and every Nazi has been proud of their racism. They all hate the same kind of people and embrace far Right authoritarianism.

We need no further proof the Trump Cartel and Trump Cult are racists.

They are essentially bragging about their racism.

Did you see the BLM demonstration where white counter-protesters re-enacted the cop’s knee to the neck of George Floyd?

They are absolute ghouls, but good conservative Christians, I’m sure.

From the  Washington Post:

White men mocked George Floyd’s death

As a peaceful Black Lives Matter march made its way through Franklin Township, N.J., the group protesting against police brutality and systemic racism walked past a white man kneeling on the neck of another white man in a mocking reenactment of George Floyd’s death.

The men were part of a group of white counterprotesters with flags supporting President Trump and “Blue Lives Matter” that barked, “Black lives matter to no one,” and “Police lives matter.”

No “real racism” to be found there, amirte?

After all, these respectable white guys were only concerned for the poor cop, victimized by his killing of George Floyd.

At least that’s not what the local mayor and police chief think.

Franklin Township Mayor John Bruno and Police Chief Police Chief Brian Zimmer released a joint statement denouncing the actions of “certain individuals”, saying “This is not who we are as a Community”.

It’s a good thing two of the men faced consequences. One was fired by Fed Ex, and the other suspended from his corrections job.

And what kind of Black Lives Matter Marxist would suggest there is systemic racism in law enforcement, anyway?



BLM: As Seen By The Conservative Amygdala

Something happened yesterday that illustrates the attitude of white conservative men. Something frightens and angers them to the core. Their fear and anger clouds their vision of anyone not sharing their system of beliefs.

A news item from yesterday illustrates the issue at play in our discussion of Black Lives Matter. 

Before we get to the news report, let's review our ongoing discussion of Black Lives Matter, a group founded by Black women.

Conservative white men seem particularly threatened by progressive women, especially those of color. I can’t imagine why, apart from it having something to do with the over-reactive amygdala of the authoritarian personality. MRI Brain scans have shown an enlarged amygdala in self-described conservatives. The primitive “fight-or-flight” mechanism is more readily triggered in them when confronted by something new, unfamiliar and different.

This usually results in conservative white men believing only the worst in others. “BLM are looters and racist commies bent on destroying America, and Black lives mean nothing to them”, for example. Do I exaggerate?

Our friend Darrell asserts:
“But BLM, the organization, only wants to foster hate and division...Black Lives Matter (the organization) is not about black lives.  They could not care less about the dozens of black people killed every single week...The bottom line is that this not about black lives mattering.  It is about furthering a Marxist, godless agenda... Thuggish people...espouse violence and have very little to do with denouncing actual racism.”

See what I mean about their need to show BLM in the worst possible light? We expect this reaction from conservative white racists, not from an informed and objective viewpoint.

And we’re still waiting for what constitutes “actual racism” or “real racism”. All we know is only white conservative men have authority to define the terms.

The fact is there is NOTHING about a “Marxist, godless agenda” among the beliefs shared at the BLM website. Darrell was misinformed and misreported this falsehood.

People involved with BLM have a range of political opinions. It is not a commie cult, nor an armed terrorist militia of roving Black gangsters. In case he hasn’t noticed, BLM has been protesting racism and police brutality, not gathering a rabble of armed Stalinist insurrectionists. But this is what frightened white conservatives CHOOSE to see.

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Nowhere does BLM show intent to “destroy” capitalism and “disrupt” the nuclear family. 

(It was the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement”.)

“We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.”

But their amygdala’s reaction to advocacy for single mothers and LGBTQ people is the same as when confronted by most other unfamiliar ideas, different people, and traditions other than white American conservatism. They feel threatened. Remember when gay marriage was going to destroy the American family?

And what on God’s green Earth scares them more than progressive women of color? To the white conservative world view, the lives and experiences of these women are as unfamiliar and different to them as nomads in yurts. 

Their very existence is seen as mortal threat to these powerful white men. We understand equality has always been viewed as a threat to the power of an established and privileged class. This is exactly what is driving the White Right’s war on voter rights, voter registration, and poll access for minority communities.

I’m sure Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) is a good conservative Republican Catholic. He probably shares the same values, and views the world through the same lens, as our conservative Catholic friend Darrell.

Here is what happened yesterday:

The Hill Reports:

Ocasio-Cortez accosted by GOP lawmaker over remarks

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-Fla.) was coming down the steps on the east side of the Capitol on Monday, having just voted, when he approached Ocasio-Cortez, who was ascending into the building to cast a vote of her own.

In a brief but heated exchange, which was overheard by a reporter, Yoho told Ocasio-Cortez she was "disgusting" for recently suggesting that poverty and unemployment are driving a spike in crime in New York City during the coronavirus pandemic.

"You are out of your freaking mind," Yoho told her.

Ocasio-Cortez shot back, telling Yoho he was being "rude."

The two then parted ways. Ocasio-Cortez headed into the building, while Yoho, joined by Rep. Roger Williams (R-Texas), began descending toward the House office buildings. A few steps down, Yoho offered a parting thought to no one in particular.

"Fucking bitch," he said.

“Rude” is a generous term for that display of white conservative anger and hate.

She tweeted her reaction:
“I never spoke to Rep. Yoho before he decided to accost me on the steps of the nation’s Capitol yesterday. Believe it or not, I usually get along fine w/ my GOP colleagues. We know how to check our legislative sparring at the committee door. But hey, “b*tches” get stuff done.”

AOC shows class and empathy that few conservative white men are able to demonstrate. 

This must enrage and scare the hell out of them even more.

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After denying what he said to AOC, the hateful Republican "apologized" while never mentioning her name. Instead he said, “I cannot apologize for my passion..or for loving my God, my family and my country.”

These racist Republican bastards are no different than Nazis. They hate the very same people Hitler hated. 


Do Black Lives Matter?

Do Black Lives Matter? Obviously, one would think. Apparently others would say it depends on whether you are with Black Lives Matter or not. Confused? So am I. 

Before we examine this question, let’s first welcome an old friend back to blogging. T. Paine has returned and revamped savingcommonsense.blogspot.org into Unabashedly American.

He is now posting under the name Darrell Michaels. 

He expressed a few notions about Black Lives Matter, and their protests against racism and police killings of unarmed Black people.

First thing first. Mr. Paine, aka Darrell, is not a racist. Like many of us, he is against “real racism”. (We’ll have to let him define that term for us.)

We have on occasion shared our writings in the past, with added commentary. I’d like to welcome him back and show my appreciation by doing so again.

Once again our friend has given us interesting points to consider and discuss.

Here is his recent post on 云梯更科学的上网工具:
Black lives matter. Absolutely they do! The amount of melanin in one’s skin pigmentation does not add nor diminish to the inherent dignity and worth of any human life.  Of course, black lives matter.  The phrase itself is uncontroversial and inarguable to my mind. Every person is a child of God and created in His image.  As such, racism is a sin and a pernicious evil that is not to be tolerated by decent people of any color.

Now, the organization of Black Lives Matter is another thing altogether.  They are founded by self-professed “trained Marxists” who seem bent on destroying capitalism, religion, social mores, the nuclear family, and the very foundation of America.   One prominent Black Lives Matter leader told a news reporter just two weeks ago that the group is willing to embrace violence.  And they have proven this repeatedly in the ensuing weeks.  

Black Lives Matter (the organization) is not about black lives.  They could not care less about the dozens of black people killed every single week in Chicago, Baltimore, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angles, and elsewhere in our country at the hands of others that aren’t police officers.  (Every city of which is governed by Democrats, but that is an entirely different matter… or not.)  They certainly don’t do ANYTHING to help improve the lives of Americans of color.  Indeed, if they wanted to help black Americans, they would realize that capitalism, faith, and the rule of law has brought unparalleled prosperity and peace to people of color in this country, especially in the past three years.  But BLM, the organization, only wants to foster hate and division when a black person is killed by a police officer.  It is a pretext for “burning the whole thing down” as one member said.

If a police officer is wrong in using deadly force on ANYONE, I am right there with you in protest and demanding justice --- just like every other decent American is, regardless of color.  What the rioting, burning, looting, shooting, and destruction of property largely by snot-nosed suburban white kids marching under the BLM banner does is to harm this cause for justice.  They are not about justice.  They want an excuse to engage in chaos, anarchy, and mayhem.  That turns the vast silent majority of Americans against them specifically and dilutes a just message by righteous protesters that then becomes lost in the ashes of rioting.

Further, the idiot rioters further prove their ignorance of history, or perhaps just display the fact that they don’t give a damn about it, as they tear down or vandalize statues of Fredrick Douglas, Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Columbus, and even a damned statue of an elk in Portland last week.  A freaking elk!  I was not aware that the elk were the most racist creatures in the forest.  The bottom line is that this not about black lives mattering.  It is about furthering a Marxist, godless agenda.
Teaching our kids that racism is a pernicious evil is the responsibility of all good parents.  Teaching them or allowing them to be taught that Marxist antifa and BLM groups which espouse violence and have very little to do with denouncing actual racism is a gross abrogation of parental duties.

I know this nonsense is commonplace as taught in our schools and colleges by teachers and professors with a militant leftist agenda these days.  America is always bad to these people and they indoctrinate and infect our students with this verifiably false load of crap.  Truth is the very first casualty in this socialist revolution that is bound to fail.

Sadly, there is real racism in America, but it is far more the exception than the rule.  It is NOT systemic, even in nearly all of the police forces throughout our nation.  We should be concentrating on eradicating real racism through an education of actual facts of history and current events instead of made-up and debunked agenda-driven programs like the 1619 project and BLM rhetoric.  How does a nation elect a black president and people of color to all offices throughout this country if it is overwhelmingly racist?  

What happened to George Floyd was horrific.  That said, the officers involved were fired, jailed, and will face punishment for their parts in his murder.  Every single decent person that saw that video agrees with that, regardless of color.  Mr. Floyd did not deserve to die and I fully support the righteous anger of the PEACEFUL protesters to that purpose.  They are preaching to the choir though, as I said, every decent person already agrees with them. 

We achieve nothing when Americans are busy hating America. Further violating the rule of law will only usher in a new Jacobian version of the “French revolution” here on American soil, except the ending for the radicals will be much different here.  Despite what the progressives teach in schools these days, there is a distinct difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution.  Our revolution led to a representative republic based on the ideal that all men are created equal.  The French revolution, which the mob today is emulating, led to the Reign of Terror.  

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(I'm not sure I could reassure our friend that protesting against racism and police brutality will not result in a reign of terror and guillotines for aristocrats. This is a deep-rooted fear that has long haunted the rich and powerful, as well as their minions. What I could do was offer some questions, facts and perspective.)

My reply:

Thank you for providing some food for thought.

I’m glad you and I are opposed to racism. We share that value.

What we don’t share is the desire to blame BLM and Black people for racism and to minimize and deny the existence of systemic racism. Ask African American drivers if they feel unsafe when stopped for “driving while Black”. Ask African American voters if they have equal access to voter registration and polls. Ask African Americans if they are under more suspicion and mistrust than white people.

The Republican Party is actively targeting them to suppress their right to vote. This reality has been established in the courts.

I noticed you hold Martin Luther King Jr. in high regard. Are you aware that conservatives of the day accused him of being a communist?  Have you noticed many progressive figures in history were condemned by conservatives, only later to be recognized for their contributions?

It was conservative people who opposed the Revolution. It was conservative people who opposed emancipation. It was conservative people who opposed women’s right to vote.

It was conservative people who opposed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. Today’s conservative people oppose Constitutional taxes, regulation of commerce, and providing for the general welfare. Today’s conservative people oppose public education and public healthcare.

I wonder if you might care to extrapolate from this some time. You may see your “heritage” more clearly.

It seems very difficult for you to separate BLM protesters from looters and vandals. It is tempting to paint them all with the same stroke, isn’t it?

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They are protesting racism and police brutality. If that is “Marxist”, why do you agree with them on this? Can you cite evidence where BLM has done something to “destroy” capitalism, religion, social mores, the nuclear family, and the very foundation of America”?

I suspect this is your “feeling”, rather than evidence based conclusion.

“Black Lives Matter (the organization) is not about black lives.  They could not care less about the dozens of black people killed every single week in Chicago, Baltimore, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York, Los Angles, and elsewhere in our country at the hands of others that aren’t police officers.  (Every city of which is governed by Democrats, but that is an entirely different matter… or not.) “

“Not about Black lives”. Wow. No evidence was offered to support this wild accusation. “They could not care less about the dozens of black people killed...” Wow, again. Same lack of evidence. These are powerful, cruel, and very demonizing accusations. Any racist would love to regurgitate these accusations. I think you are horribly wrong.

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But you wish to blame only Democrats. Your bias is crystal clear here.

“One prominent Black Lives Matter leader told a news reporter just two weeks ago that the group is willing to embrace violence.  And they have proven this repeatedly in the ensuing weeks”.

No context or evidence was given. Blaming a mostly peaceful group for the actions of a few vandals is quite authoritarian. What makes you conclude he spoke for the entire group? Surely you must have troves of evidence to show “the group” espoused willingness to embrace violence. As I saw it, there were white punks throwing stuff at cops and vandalizing property. White supremacists were found to be acting as agent provocateurs They’re not BLM, are they? Why not blame them?

I also saw dozens of cases of police brutality. Elderly citizens were knocked to the pavement, soaking it in their blood. Peaceful protesters were gassed and assaulted by Barr’s thugs BEFORE curfew to allow Trump’s “Bible photo op”’. The list grows. Why not blame them?

Why do you need to ignore all that police violence? “Bad apples” spoil the entire barrel, you know.

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If this was about Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome's interview on FOX(R), it is deceptively presented. 

Newsome told the host, "I said, if this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it. All right? And I could be speaking ... figuratively. I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.”

Racists and fearful conservatives take it literally. So do you. Fact: It CANNOT be literally true.

What does BLM want? Equal justice under law and an end to racism. How “un-American” is that? Is that “Marxism”, and if so, why do you also support it?

Did you know Newsome also said, “I love the Lord, and my Lord and savior” in response to an MLK quote? There goes your unfounded accusation about their “war on religion”.

Is conservatism indeed all about beliefs over facts? Meanwhile the death toll is over 140,000 under our “American Carnage President” who minimized and denied the lethal virus.

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How comforting it must be to ignore Trump’s racist birtherism, his demand for executing the exonerated Central Park kids, and his denying Black renters. Here we have hate and division stoked by a president and leader of the Republican Party.  

It was hate and division that killed those unarmed Black people, not the reaction to it. It is fear of cops when “driving while Black” that reflects hate and division, not the reaction to it. You have it backwards.

I love your MAGA talking point about “especially in the past three years”. If you’re referring to Black unemployment, Obama presided over the largest reduction of it.

1. Aug. 2011 the Bush Recession produced Black unemployment rate 16.7%
2. January 2017, the Black unemployment rate was at 7.8 percent.
3. Under Obama the Black unemployment rate dropped of 8.9%

But you praise Trump for a 3.4% drop. The Black guy did all the heavy lifting and got no credit from the racist Birther and his fawning cult. Why do you believe that man?

“Marxist antifa and BLM groups which espouse violence and have very little to do with denouncing actual racism is a gross abrogation of parental duties.”

There you go again with the horrible accusations based on your feelings over facts. Here’s some perspective for you.

Authoritarian, racist, and unqualified cops have killed numerous unarmed people. Antifa and BLM have killed NOBODY. Meanwhile the body count rises from White nationalists and racists. Only ignorance or bigotry can account for disregarding the facts of the matter. But you are obsessed with attacking those who protest the atrocities and racism.

What kind of parent are you?

“There’s very little “real racism”, and racism is all the fault of BLM, Blacks and Obama, not conservative whites and the police”, seems to be your message. I wouldn’t be surprised if your offspring got that impression.

“Sadly, there is real racism in America, but it is far more the exception than the rule.  It is NOT systemic, even in nearly all of the police forces throughout our nation.  We should be concentrating on eradicating real racism through an education of actual facts of history and current events instead of made-up and debunked agenda-driven programs like the 1619 project and BLM rhetoric.  How does a nation elect a black president and people of color to all offices throughout this country if it is overwhelmingly racist?”

If that is a valid point, then so is this: “The election of racist birther Trump proves the country is overwhelmingly racist.”

Nonsense. The election of a Black president only indicated MOST voters were not racists. That’s it. This is a lame deflection employed to minimize racism. See how shallow this reasoning can be?

I understand it is far easier to simply regurgitate Breitbart, Prager and other extremely biased white conservative Trump supporters.

If you want “facts and history” as well as an intelligent discussion of the 1619 Project, I suggest reading this article by Leslie M. Harris, a professor of history at Northwestern University, and historian of African American life and slavery:

I Helped Fact-Check the 1619 Project. The Times Ignored Me.

"The paper’s series on slavery made avoidable mistakes. But the attacks from its critics are much more dangerous."

But then, what’s the point? In your view, educators and historians are all commies unless they are conservative and blame BLM for violence and racism.

“I fully support the righteous anger of the PEACEFUL protesters”

...Unless they’re BLM. THAT is your message.

For some reason you need to smear all the kind and peaceful people of the movement. How is that any different from someone saying, “All Trump voters and supporters are racists.”

What you are doing is fortifying that argument, whether you see it or not.

“We achieve nothing when Americans are busy hating America.”

I couldn’t agree more.

Isn’t that what Trump rallies are all about? Remember “Democrats hate America”, all the Confederate flags, “Lock her up!”, and “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat” images?

“Our revolution led to a representative republic based on the ideal that all men are created equal”. 

An ideal is not a reality. Women and blacks couldn’t vote and slave owners imposed the electoral college that still deprives us of "one man one vote" equality. Women and blacks are still under-represented. No group has more representation in the Senate than small population states with mostly white and rural people.

All men may have been created equal, but conservatism has assured they are not equal in life, whether at the polls or by representation. You know this is true.

You conclude by defining BLM as a “dangerous minority of anti-American would-be insurrectionists from within”. Right. Because they protest racism and police brutality. Never mind thugs in blue knock elderly citizens to the pavement, assault peaceful demonstrators, and mace children, etc.

Would it hurt the Right to understand there would be NO BLM or antifa if not for racism, minority voter suppression, and police brutality? No. It’s far easier to minimize racism, blame it on Black people, and ignore injustice and police brutality. As (commenter) Vincent’s wife stated, “White people don’t understand”.

It is always interesting that only conservative white people deny systemic racism, while they claim the authority to define and minimize “real racism”. Instead they blame Obama and BLM for racism. This is what all white racists do. From Trump down to his rebel flag waving militia nuts, Proud Boys, 3%’ers, and other racist hate groups.

I don’t believe you are one of them, but I would be very concerned for one’s true values or scope of understanding when they agree with these racists.

Just a concluding note. My Twitter theme of late has been featuring the following statements:

Racism is not racism to racists.

A cult is not a cult to a cult.

I'm not sure if these have anything to do with this post or not...


Comments And Discussion

As often happens, my response to a couple comments under the previous post expanded into a post in itself. It's only proper to question claims as serious as "failed state" and "police state". Further discussion was indeed warranted, and is still welcomed. 

Let’s present the content here instead of in a long thread.

Tyrell (TP):
From failed state to police state, huh? I don't think so, my friend.

While leftists have done what they could to either ignore or undermine our constitution (yes, some militant right-wingers are also guilty), America is still not a failed state. Even for Americans of color, there is more prosperity, opportunities, and freedom in America than nearly anywhere else in the world.

Further, if the Democrats were to recapture the White House and both chambers of congress, this would not become a police state either, since the Democrats are seemingly bound and determined to eliminate the police in most major metropolitan areas. That, of course, is another knee-jerk reaction, the ramifications of which has not evidently occurred to these brilliant leaders of ours.
Oh, I'm waiting with bated breath on a further elaboration on how "leftists" ignore or undermine the Constitution AS WELL as reconciling the ongoing demonstrations with the phrase "Even for Americans of color, there is more prosperity, opportunities, and freedom in America', TP.
I thank the gentlemen for their remarks. 

It’s always revealing that our conservative friends are so reluctant to cite any of my points or opinions offered, and provide facts or information that contradicts them.

I suppose they think just stating their beliefs accomplishes that.

I, too, would love to see further elaboration, and of course evidence, to support TP’s assertions. Historically the pattern would indicate none will be forthcoming.

I don’t know how any “leftists” ignore or undermine the Constitution, since they wield very little power to do so. Maybe this is a red herring to deflect from the blatant abuses of our Constitution by the Republican Party and Donald Trump?

Remember when Moscow Mitch refused to follow the Constitution and hold a vote for a Supreme Court Justice nominated by the Black President? Remember how we used to have Constitutional checks and balances, and administrations would comply with oversight and obey lawful Congressional subpoenas? Remember how Constitutional impeachment trials would allow for actual evidence and testimony?

Rightists love to deflect form these horrible abuses of our Constitution.

The Republican Party has become a gutless cult, serving their criminal and corrupt racist leader. Rep. Justin Amash alone had the moral decency to leave the Republican Party. Mitt Romney was the only Republican In DC with a conscience to vote Trump guilty of his criminal attempts to bribe and blackmail a foreign leader to help win his upcoming election. (Article 2, Sec. 4) That doesn’t bother them any more than Trump’s criminal payoff to a porn star.

It seems "Constitutional conservative" has become an oxymoron.

Remember the First Amendment provisions for a free press? Totally demonized by the Tangerine Tyrant for not kissing his ring. Remember the First Amendment “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances”?

We have numerous videos of cops gassing and clubbing peaceful protesters, for protesting police violence. Like a police state.

We have a president who said, “I will fight to protect you. I am your President of law and order, and an ally of all peaceful protesters." Minutes earlier it was as if he ordered: "OK, Barr. Smash and gas those peaceful protesters so I can have my Bible photo-op." This is exactly the behavior of a dictator's failed state, verging on a police state.

Even high ranking former Trump officials and other military leaders have called out his lawlessness. Retired Air Force Generals Mark Volcheff and Richard Myers, Admirals Mullen and McRaven, Army and Marine ## 分享一下Mac(苹果电脑)里面好用的软件!:2021-4-27 · 翻译工具 安全工具 科学上网 其它实用工具 远程协助 QuickLook插件 第三方应用市场APP Mac软件下载网站 开发者工具 编辑器 一种用于编辑纯文本文件的程序,建议使用免费开源的编辑器 Atom - GitHub推出的开源编辑器,Atom常用插件。

But, I am open to hearing evidence on how “leftists” are the guilty ones.

I would concede the terms “failed state” and “police state” do not generally apply to wealthy white Americans. They are doing swell. After all, they comprise almost all the economic elites served by a bought and paid for Congress and White House sympathetic to the rich over everyone else.

We are a failed state when it comes to our founders’ ideal of consent of the governed as stated in the Declaration of Independence. We are certainly a failed state if the standard is equal justice under law. Only privileged and rural whites still believe this myth. Voter rights and registration depend on Republican leniency and what color your neighbors are. Republicans, in their open war on democracy, shut down the League of Women Voters from helping with registration. Qualified voters have been purged from rolls. Poll access is another unequal proposition.

Note that I am not including voter ID to counter wildly inflated claims and blatant lies of voter impersonation. Major election fraud has recently been the domain of Republicans. Trump’s taxpayer funded witch hunt for “millions of illegals voting” came up empty.

The Electoral College is a vestige of slave state demands. It is antithetical to representative democracy. The same is truth for the imbalance of representation and power in the Senate. These are direct and intentional impediments to the consent of the governed. The fact is our country was founded by wealthy white men, many being slave owners. Women and African Americans waited over a hundred years for the right to vote. Now we have an authoritarian political party working to reduce the number of voters and their access to their right to vote.

Republicans would prefer Americans standing in line, risking death and disease in a pandemic, rather than allow mail-in ballots.

So yes, the state has failed, and is actively failing, its citizens regarding voter rights and fair elections. The state has failed, and is actively failing, policing the police and providing equal justice under law.

Racial profiling and a long history of police brutality against minorities indicates another characteristic of a failed state. “Qualified immunity” is a concept that protects abusers in law enforcement and is antithetical to justice. Unaccountable police violence is a characteristic of a police state. Tyrell might even agree with this point.

And I agree that Americans of color have “more prosperity, opportunities, and freedom in America than nearly anywhere else in the world.”

The qualifier I would add is “generally” people of color having more prosperity, opportunities, and freedom than “nearly anywhere else”. The last qualifier is important. People of color have opportunities, better health care and better education in other countries.

We certainly have nothing approaching equal opportunity in this country.

Also “driving while black” is one of the freedoms that still eludes many, if not most, African Americans. Anyone who dismisses their real fear of racist cops is uninformed or willfully ignorant.

Trump and Sessions gutted federal measures for police accountability.They drastically limited abilities of federal officials to use court-enforced deals to require reforms at police departments.

I would also love to see evidence that “Democrats are seemingly bound and determined to eliminate the police in most major metropolitan areas.”

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It’s interesting that the Right sees a protester’s “defund the police” sign and assumes it is the Democratic Party platform to eliminate police. Nowhere have I seen a sign demanding “Eliminate the police”. Could that be the real “knee jerk reaction” projected upon Democrats?

This isn’t unusual, since the Right sees things that are not there. They see commies under progressive beds and the Devil between their sheets.
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